Longtime FCPC member Carol Ann Siciliano has started a blog called “Fashioned for Joy.” Her tag line says it all: “Seeking a way in the world that is abundant, loving, and grace-filled.” If you are curious, her “Welcome” page is a good place to start: http://fashionedforjoy.com/welcome-2/. Each week, Carol Ann posts a collection of Delights she’s noticed throughout the week—tiny tributes to a bit of God’s work in the world. Carol Ann invites you subscribe to her blog so that her joyful musings come directly to you by email.
From her Welcome page:
“My Year of Delights: Inspired by “The Book of Delights,” by Ross Gay, I record a handful of sentences each day to acknowledge and celebrate a small delight that might have slipped by me unnoticed. Each week, I post seven tiny observations of beauty or joy. Like Mr. Gay, I began on my birthday. As I record these delights, I find myself wondering: am I chasing them? Or, better, am I giving them the chance to find me?”