Justice Ministry
Gathering those who fear they are not enough, so we may experience grace, wholeness, and renewal as God’s beloved.

Falls Church Presbyterian belongs to the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, “working for the unity of the church, furthering the inclusion of LGBTQ persons, seeking understanding and reconciliation, and joining with others seeking a still more just and inclusive church.”

Falls Church Presbyterian Church is a Matthew 25 church, working to build congregational vitality, dismantle structural racism, and eradicate systemic poverty. You can read more about the Matthew 25 initiative here.

The Justice Ministry works to dismantle unjust systems in order to restore God’s vision of justice and equality in the world.
Team Leader: Karen Growney
Upcoming Events
Silent Witness for Racial Justice
Stand in silent witness with us as we raise our signs to sustain awareness of racial injustice toward Black lives and all People of Color. Join us from noon to 1 p.m. every other week along Broad Street in front of Falls Church Presbyterian Church. Contact Carol Luten for more information.

Image courtesy of Charlotte Volpe. View more Silent Witness images here.
Stand with us
Falls Church Presbyterian is a member of VOICE (Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement). Learn more here.

Welcoming Falls Church
Welcoming Falls Church is a partnership between the City of Falls Church and Catholic Charities of Arlington to welcome refugees to our area. Learn more here.

The Social Justice Committee of Falls Church and Vicinity
The Social Justice Committee of Falls Church and Vicinity is a network of community members, civic organizations and faith groups exploring how to create a local culture united in diversity. The Committee’s vision is to “honor the diversity reflected in the many faces of our one community” with a mission of engendering hope, respect and healing.
Learn more here.
Dismantling White Supremacy
The Anti-Racism Daily is a media platform that provides education and actions to dismantle white supremacy. Through its daily newsletter, podcast, social media, and events, it rallies its audience to become more effective advocates for racial equity. Since its launch in June 2020, the organization has raised over $2.5M for community-based organizations and garnered a collective audience of 1M people.
Growing an Antiracist Identity

Louisville Seminary’s online anti-racism study takes approximately 90 minutes to complete and may be done individually or in small groups. Visit the Anti-racism Digital Library, curated by Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, for more resources on people, groups, and projects who are building inclusive and caring communities.
Looking for ways to support the fight against racism?
Here are some suggestions from our Justice Ministry Team
Book suggestions
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, by Isabel Wilkerson
As Americans, when we hear the word caste, we automatically think of India. And yet, argues Pulitzer prize-winning author Isabel Wilkerson, a caste system built upon race has operated in the United States since before the founding of our country. Comparing our own social hierarchy with the societies of India and Nazi Germany, Wilkerson explores the eight pillars of caste that undergird such systems. She also reveals how the Nazi designers of the Jewish codes studied Jim Crow laws to develop their own system. And through achingly beautiful writing, her stories of living black, brown, or indigenous in America through the centuries provide the examples that undergird her argument. A must read!
The Healing Wisdom of Africa, by Malidoma Patrice Somé
An important aspect of social justice is healing. Through The Healing Wisdom of Africa, readers come to understand that the life of indigenous and traditional people is a model for an intimate relationship with the natural world that surrounds us and is within us. Malidoma Patrice Somé conveys through storytelling and other literary devices that ritual in the indigenous world is aimed at producing healing, and the loss of such healing in the modern world might be responsible for the loss of community that we see. Making ritual a part of daily life helps rekindle the intensity that keeps us on the path of our purpose and reminds us of the interconnectedness we all share.
Deep in the Sahara, by Kelly Cunnane and Hoda Hadadi
Recommended Age: Pre-K–3
Lalla, living in the Muslim country of Mauritania, longs to understand the beautiful malafa worn by her mother. The young girl’s story unfolds as she discovers that the malafa is a symbol of faith not just beauty. It’s illustrations and poetic style are highly engaging and perfect for teaching young readers about other belief systems and cultures as well as the associated clothing.
Lailah's Lunchbox, by Reem Faruqi
Recommended Age: Pre-K–3
Recently having moved from Abu Dhabi to America Lailah is
nervous about having to explain to her teacher and classmates why she is
not having lunch with her friends. Lailah has been waiting a long time to be
old enough to participate in this time honored celebration of fasting during
Ramadan and she is both excited and nervous. This story walks the reader
through Lailah’s first experience fasting with her family and finding kindness
in her American teachers and classmates. It’s the perfect introduction to
Ramadan for children.
Stated Clerk Calls for Change
In light of recent events, the Stated Clerk of the PC(USA) has issued a video statement about how important it is to fight against racist acts and end systemic racism. For more information see the original article. We cannot wait for another name to attach to these horrific events and we cannot continue to be idle.
Get Connected
There are many ways to get involved in the life and ministry here at Falls Church Presbyterian. Whether you are looking to join a ministry team, serve others through our Welcome Table ministry, sing in the choir or simply find a community to call home, we welcome you and hope that you will find grace, wholeness, and renewal here.